Welcome to the site, I am a clairaudient and Materialisation medium, this means I can hear the voice of spirit and those outside the normal spectrum of human perception. If you are interested in the whole psychic, clairvoyant world, then you have come to the right place. I am available for one to one private readings, group sessions, parties and workshops and am happy to visit you at home.

The general concept behind any cliavoyant or caliraudient is to listen too, or see the world of etherical
vibration ( Spirit ) It is this that we tap in too, and through this we can make contact with friends and loved
ones. The modern world is more exceptable now days to the idea, and research along with scientific
study is showing time and time again that it is a real and physical world of existence, be it on a different
wave and sound vibration to that of our world. Names, places, smells, even the way in which a person has
passed are all part of how we can receive information from those in the spirit wolrd.
If you would like to know more, arrange a reading or workshop, then please contact me anytime.
vibration ( Spirit ) It is this that we tap in too, and through this we can make contact with friends and loved
ones. The modern world is more exceptable now days to the idea, and research along with scientific
study is showing time and time again that it is a real and physical world of existence, be it on a different
wave and sound vibration to that of our world. Names, places, smells, even the way in which a person has
passed are all part of how we can receive information from those in the spirit wolrd.
If you would like to know more, arrange a reading or workshop, then please contact me anytime.

CLAIRAUDIENT....The ability to hear the voice and sounds of spirit
CLAIRVOYANCE...The ability to see spirit, the aura and other associated phenomena
CLAIRSENTIENCE...The ability to feel and sense things that cant be explained
Other words associated with this field of work are Ectoplasm, Levitation, Apports
Healing, Psychic surgery and so on.....Tarot and dowsing are also common.
Please note I work in the light and love vibration, I do not work with any cult or quija boards etc.
CLAIRVOYANCE...The ability to see spirit, the aura and other associated phenomena
CLAIRSENTIENCE...The ability to feel and sense things that cant be explained
Other words associated with this field of work are Ectoplasm, Levitation, Apports
Healing, Psychic surgery and so on.....Tarot and dowsing are also common.
Please note I work in the light and love vibration, I do not work with any cult or quija boards etc.

Physical mediumship is the oldest form of contact with the spirit world. Table levitation, Independant direct voice ( (The voice of loved one or person as it was when they were alive) Spirits can fully materialise ( Take on thier own physical form ) They can come and talk to you direclty, shake your hand and even show you thier hands and associated phenomena in dimmed light. This form of mediumship is not for the faint hearted, but if you wish to be a part of this or arrange a gathering at your home or other location, then please get in touch.